“The Energy Enhancement System combines Body, Mind, Spirit and Science to help you achieve peak performance and reach higher states of health, consciousness and self-actualization.”
Explore the Energy Enhancement System
The Energy Enhancement System (EESystem) generates balanced, life-enhancing energy fields, which can allow cell regeneration, improve immune function, provide relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate moods, increase energy levels and assist in balancing the right and left hemispheres of the brain.
This cutting-edge technology was developed more than 25 years ago by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, and has been recognized at dozens of medical, scientific and professional conferences around the world. Rooted Quantum Wellness is offering the first public 24-unit bioscalar EESystem in Rocklin, California. Come experience first-hand the powerful healing potential we all have inside of us!
What is the EESystem?
The EESystem uses custom-built computers to generate multiple coherent, balanced fields of energy. It incorporates light, color and scalar wave frequencies in order to provide a healthy and healing environment for our bodies.
The effects of resting in this bioactive field are cumulative. The more you are exposed, the more your body can move towards a healthy energetic level and homeostasis. The body can begin to rejuvenate and repair itself, as its innate wisdom and healing abilities are activated.
The EESystem supports healing on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Many find this frequency environment relaxing, calming and grounding, while they are infused with restorative information.
Potential Benefits of the Energy Enhancement System:
The EESystem may assist you in reaching your highest potential. By providing healing energy fields and allowing your body to recharge, the number of ways you are capable of healing are endless!
Relief from pain
Increased oxygenation and hydration
Peak athletic performance
Sense of increased energy
Faster healing after surgery or injury
Improvements in mental health, confidence and emotional stability
Reduced inflammation
Relief from depression and anxiety
Increased clarity and focus
Feelings of ease, harmony and peace
Deeper sense of centeredness
Increased self-awareness, self-love and self-acceptance
Improved immune function
Ideal meditative states and deep relaxation
Natural healing
Improved sleep
Enhanced academics, achievements and physical capabilities with children
Watch these videos to see how we at RQW heard about this beautiful technology.
Scientific Deep Dive
How Can The EESystem Reverse Cellular Aging?
In their research with NASA, it was demonstrated that the EESystem has the ability to zip up and repair the breaks in DNA, as well as increase the length of telomeres.
Telomeres are structures made from DNA sequences and proteins found at the ends of chromosomes. They cap and protect the end of a chromosome like the end of a shoelace and are required for cell division. Telomeres get shorter each time a cell copies itself, but the important DNA stays intact. Eventually, telomeres get too short to do their job, causing our cells to age and stop functioning properly. Therefore, telomeres act as the aging clock in every cell.
Recent studies indicate that telomere length, which can be affected by various lifestyle factors, affect the pace of aging and onset of age-associated diseases. Telomere length shortens with age and leads to senescence (loss of a cell’s power of division and growth), apoptosis (cell death), oncogenic transformation of somatic cells (tumor development) or genomic instability (tendency for DNA mutations). This may affect the health and lifespan of an individual.
The EESystem has proven its ability to increase the length of telomeres, turning back the internal clock in our cells. This is true reverse-aging at the cellular level. Other ways to increase telomere length are fasting, drinking coffee, endurance training, managing stress and maintaining healthy sleep patterns.
How Does This Technology Actually Work?
As human beings, we possess built-in programming to heal ourselves. We are always healing. However, when we live in a toxic environment and are exposed to large amounts of stress, we may activate our sympathetic nervous system and trigger a survival response. Because our energy is being spent on fleeing this sensed threat, it prevents us from healing at a deeper level. In today’s world, we may battle contaminants in our food, water, air and relationships. We are bathed in stress and destructive toxins such as EMF, radiation and microwaves. All of these factors may contribute to activating a fight or flight response, preventing us from cleaning up the root causes of dis-ease.
The EESystem uses custom-installed, precisely-aligned computers to create a bio-photonic field of enhanced frequencies that the human body can easily relate to. This photonic light and scalar wave technology neutralizes detrimental fields, balancing the energy and creating coherence. It provides an optimal energetic environment to allow the body to do what it’s been trying to do all along — heal!
The EESystem also works like a human battery charger, charging every cell in the body. When the body has more energy, it begins to discharge anything that isn’t supporting itself. It offers us the energy stores to bring ourselves into balance and reach our highest potentials.
Ideal cellular energy levels function at 70-90 millivolts. Dis-ease may occur in the body when the cellular energy drops below that level, and cancer can only exist below 20 millivolts. The EESystem may help eliminate and nullify the affects of disruptive frequencies in the body to promote this optimal cellular state. It provides an enhanced energetic environment that literally raises the millivoltage in the cells, raising cell membrane potential. It has the ability to begin the process of boosting cell regeneration, immune and neurotransmitter functions and DNA repair.
Live blood cell analysis before and after a one-hour session in the Energy Enhancement System, demonstrating coherence at the cellular level:
Before After
Before After
Kirlian photography capturing the auric field before and after time spent in an eight-unit EESystem:
More information, including research studies, can be found at www.eesystem.com
Read one of the clinical studies here: An Informal Pilot "Snapshot" Clinical Study
More Science: What Are Scalar Waves?
Scalar waves are well known in astrophysics, geology and hydrodynamics. They naturally occur in nature, such as in food and DNA, but can also be artifically produced. They are capable of passing through solid matter, and do not deteriorate over time or distance from their source, unlike sound or light waves.
Scalar energy is said to promote healing in our bodies with the help of subtle energy frequencies. It can carry information that can be used for healing purposes.
Scalar energy is also known as “scalar fields” or “Tesla fields,” due to Nicola Tesla’s interest in the subject, and his demonstration of its existence. Because scalar fields can promote healing in our bodies, he believed this energy was the primal force of the universe. After Tesla, several researchers continued the studies of the effects of scalar energy on the human body. Andrija Puharich and Dr. Glen Rein concluded separately that scalar energy has the potential to positively improve the immune responses of human bodies. They demonstrated that scalar energy can strengthen endocrine and immune systems, as well as support the growth of white blood cells.
The human body has crystalline structures in every cell that are capable of holding a charge. When an individual enters a scalar field, the electromagnetic field of the body becomes excited. Cell returns to the ideal healthy 70-90 millivolt range, allowing the body to return to a more optimal state. Scalar waves also help increase every hydrogen atom’s energy covalent level in the body. This is important because hydrogen bonds are crucial to our body’s ecosystem as they hold our DNA together.
*Results may vary. Information and statements made regarding the Energy Enhancement System are for educational purposes only and are not intended to replace the advice of a medical or psychological professional. Rooted Quantum Wellness does not give medical advice, prescribe medication, or treat, cure, prevent or diagnose illness. The views and advice expressed by Rooted Quantum Wellness are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, please see a physician.